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Calgary's Go-to Brand Photographer for ambitious & Creative Entrepreneurs


Father’s Day is coming up! Need a last minute crafty gift idea?

There’s nothing better than a homemade gift for Dad, no matter what age you are!

I’ve put together 3 quick and easy Do It Yourself photo crafts for you and/or your kid(s) to try.

Scroll through them to check them out!

I’d love to see your creations too – message me on my Instagram @katedanielphotography and show me your photo gifts!


Father’s Day Gift #1 – Painted Rock Photo Holder


  • photo

  • rock(s)

  • paint (acrylic will adhere to the rock)

  • paint brushes

  • floral wire (can be found at Michael’s)

  • needle nose pliers

  • Sharpie/marker

Make your own painted rock photo holder! Start by washing a rock, then decorate it with acrylic paint. Secure floral wire around the rock. Finish it with a triple loop at the top to hold the photo.

He are a couple quick tips for the wire! To make the perfect circles at the top (that the photo sits in), wrap the wire around a Sharpie a few times. After you’ve finished wrapping the rock, make a little twist at the bottom so that the wire is nice and secure around the rock. See images for examples.



Father’s Day Gift #2 – Painted Photo Frame


  • photo

  • wooden frame (available at Michael’s or dollar stores)

  • paint

  • paint brushes

  • knickknacks/buttons

  • tacky glue

Paint a wooden photo frame! There are plenty of ready-made options these days at most dollar stores. Use your creativity and personalize the frame by gluing any sort of knickknacks or buttons on it. Finish it off with a photo of your child.



Father’s Day Gift #3 – Personalized Bookmark


  • photo

  • packing tape

  • hole puncher

  • yarn

  • scissors

Create a personalized bookmark! Simply print a photo, cut around the image you want and punch a hole in the top. You can laminate the image or improvise by covering it with packing tape. Create a tassel using yarn. Not sure how? Check out these photos.


Have fun & Happy Father’s Day!

Kate Daniel is a Calgary, Alberta based natural light, lifestyle photographer focusing on family, children and baby photos.

Simple, real, natural – your life, my lens.

Contact me to book a session or sign up for the newsletter for special offers! 

Father’s Day gifts – 3 quick and easy photo crafts to try | Calgary Family Photographers

Photography Tips

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When shooting with little kids, getting everyone to look and smile at the camera at the same time is pretty challenging. But I think we got one here!⁠⠀
I actually love the “imperfect” shots just as much. And the outtakes with little kids crack me up.

⁠Thanks for joining me for Mom & Me’s at cSPACE King Edward last year for my Mom & Me photos! I had so much fun trying to make you guys laugh!⁠ I hope you will treasure the photos for years to come.

boy-in-red-pants-blue-shirt-girl-yellow-sweater-mom-with-big-smile-Kate-Daniel-Photographymom-and-two-young-kids-bright-colours-Kate-Daniel-Photographymother-and-young-daughter-not-wanting-to-smile-Kate-Daniel-Photographysmiling-son-in-blue-with-mom-in-dress-Kate-Daniel-Photography⁠One of the reasons I love doing these type of photos with little kids is it allows moms to remember all the little things. ⁠⠀
When we are in the throws of motherhood – especially when kids are young – we often don’t notice all the little changes and stages until we look back. ⁠⠀
Photos are a way of bringing us back to those little things….so that we can treasure them always. ⁠⠀


“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever. It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” – Aaron Siskind⁠⠀

Kate Daniel is a Calgary, Alberta based natural light, lifestyle photographer focusing on family, children and photos for little kids.

Simple, real, natural – your life, my lens.

Contact me to book a session or sign up for the newsletter for special offers! 

Little kids make me smile | Calgary children photographers

Family Photos

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A little boy and his first photo session. So sweet!

Don’t these photos make you think of this quote from the Peter Pan movie? Little boys should never be sent to bed, they always wake up a day older

I’ve been getting all teary-eyed as I sift through all the love that was captured at my Mom & Me photo event at cSPACE last year. There are so many great images and I’m sure the moms will treasure the photos for years to come. Personally, I know I never regret having photos taken of me and my daughter. 

I think for my next Mom & Me sessions I’m gonna have a camera rolling for all the Behind The Scenes shenanigans that goes on to make these little ones laugh.

I’m pretty sure that this session involved a rubber chicken, a maraca and a dad prancing and dancing around.

Hey – whatever works to make a little boy to laugh, right?!


A big heartfelt thanks to everyone that came out for Mom & Me photos this year!

Kate Daniel is a Calgary, Alberta based natural light, lifestyle photographer focusing on family, children and baby photos.

Simple, real, natural – your life, my lens.

Contact me to book a session or sign up for the newsletter for special offers! 

A little boy and his mom | Calgary children photographers

Family Photos

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A mother and her two girls. Ah these girls! I can totally hear their giggles through these photos. Isn’t that funny how photos can do that?

I’m imagining a collective chorus of giggles running across the playgrounds.

Because of the 2020 pandemic, I didn’t get a chance to capture sweet moments like this as I did at last year’s Mom & Me sessions….but I’m sure they still happened at home!

“If love is as sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.” – Stevie Wonder⁠⠀


A heartfelt thanks to everyone that came out for Mom & Me photos this year at Cspace. Mother and child pics have a special place in my heart. Family photos are great, but it’s always nice to have photos of each parent with their children, too. If you’re like me, you never regret having photos done. We often don’t see the little changes before our eyes, but looking back on the images allows us to remember our kids when they were wee little ones.

Kate Daniel is a Calgary, Alberta based natural light, lifestyle photographer focusing on family, children and baby photos.

Simple, real, natural – your life, my lens.

Contact me to book a session or sign up for the newsletter for special offers! 

A mother and her girls – a Mom & Me Session | Calgary family photographers

Family Photos

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