Modern School Photos

Sibling photos are fun too!

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Professional and colourful headshots

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I'm KAte!

Calgary’s go-to brand photographer for creative & ambitious women entrepreneurs.

Capturing authentic website & social media photos in Alberta, Treaty 7 and beyond.


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Brand photos aren't just "pretty" pictures. Let's create images for you that convert!

Sibling photos are always a nice little bonus with my school photos – when I do private bookings, anyway.

It’s a little hard for me to get sibling photos when I’m actually on-location, in a school.

This brother and sister combo stopped by for some school pics last fall and I managed to get them to show a little sibling love for the camera, too!

I hope these two hug like this even when they’re adults. (Their mom hopes the same.)




It’s so fun to see the changes kids go through from year to year. ⁠⁠That’s one of my fav. parts of this job.

This poor guy was one of my first newborn session victims, lol! (so nice that he still smiles for me now) ⁠⁠
I remember I was so nervous! After looking at a few newborn pics and online tutorials, I thought I knew what I was doing.⁠⁠
But I didn’t have a clue!⁠⁠
Anyhoooo….you gotta start somewhere ,right? ⁠⁠
Here’s to pushing through the fear & moving forward despite your desire to curl up into a ball in a very deep cave.


Kate Daniel is a Calgary, Alberta based natural light, lifestyle photographer focusing on family, children and school photos.

Simple, real, natural – your life, my lens.

Contact me to book a session or sign up for the newsletter for special offers! 

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Brand Photos

I'm Kate, your new brand photographer friend.

You're the sage on the stage; I'm your photo guide on the side!

Together, we'll create authentic photos that connect & convert!

Serving ambitious entrepreneurs in Calgary, AB and worldwide.

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Calgary’s go-to brand photographer for creative & ambitious women entrepreneurs. Treaty 7, Alberta & worldwide. 

Kate Daniel Photography

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