Sibling photos are always a nice little bonus with my school photos – when I do private bookings, anyway.
It’s a little hard for me to get sibling photos when I’m actually on-location, in a school.
This brother and sister combo stopped by for some school pics last fall and I managed to get them to show a little sibling love for the camera, too!
I hope these two hug like this even when they’re adults. (Their mom hopes the same.)
It’s so fun to see the changes kids go through from year to year. That’s one of my fav. parts of this job.
This poor guy was one of my first newborn session victims, lol! (so nice that he still smiles for me now)
I remember I was so nervous! After looking at a few newborn pics and online tutorials, I thought I knew what I was doing.
But I didn’t have a clue!
Anyhoooo….you gotta start somewhere ,right?
Here’s to pushing through the fear & moving forward despite your desire to curl up into a ball in a very deep cave.
Kate Daniel is a Calgary, Alberta based natural light, lifestyle photographer focusing on family, children and school photos.
Simple, real, natural – your life, my lens.
Contact me to book a session or sign up for the newsletter for special offers!