Business & Brand Photos

Why your small business needs branding photos

why your small biz needs brand photos
Professional and colourful headshots

why visual artists need brand photos
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I'm KAte!

Calgary’s go-to brand photographer for creative & ambitious women entrepreneurs.

Capturing authentic website & social media photos in Alberta, Treaty 7 and beyond.


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Brand photos aren't just "pretty" pictures. Let's create images for you that convert!

Every small business needs branding photos these days. In my humble opinion, anyway!

I’ll tell you why. But first, let me tell you what they are…more specifically, what my Brand Storytelling photos are.

What are Brand Storytelling photos?

Simply put, Brand Storytelling photos tell the visual story of your heart-centred business.

They are more than just headshots. Think of them like “Behind the Scenes” photos. Or photos that show a bit more of the real you and/or your process and/or how you create.

Brand Storytelling photos allow us to create authentic photos that tell the stories of your life so you can stand out from the competition and grow your business with style.

I had a blast creating images for Suzy & Trevor of Switchback Creative using my Brand Storytelling process.

Switchback is a small digital agency of designers, developers, strategists, writers and doers whose job is to get you seen and heard. Their business is about brand storytelling so, logically, a Brand Storytelling Photo Session was the perfect fit!


“Brand storytelling photos are critical for a business to have; to showcase what you’re really about and who you are. They can show place, space, personality and connection in one fell swoop. They are different than other corporate office, team or headshot photos that offices typically get. They allow you to expand on what your business stands for and represent that in a vibrant and bold way.”

– Suzy Rounce, Creative Director & Owner, Switchback Creative

Why brand photos are important for small businesses

Brand photos help build your Know, Like & Trust factor

As small business owners, we know that it’s not enough to simply sell our goods & services.

People want to get to know the real us, the person/people behind our business/brand.

By creating photos that showcase the stories of our lives, our ideal clients get to know, like and trust us at a much deeper level. 

They can truly get to know who are you are, what makes you tick, and how they relate & connect to your stories.

As Suzy says, brand photos “show who we are; they connect the work with the people and the team.”

Ultimately, this allows you to reach more of “your people” and make more of an impact on their lives.


Brand Storytelling photos offer a unique perspective

Headshots have their time and place. In fact, all my Brand Storytelling Photo Sessions come with headshots.

But the bonus with storytelling photos, is we get a chance to take images in places that mean something to you and your brand.

This could include your office, your home, a favourite park… The possibilities are endless.

We end up creating truly unique images to your brand.

“I think the setting is actually more important than I realized. I am glad people can get a glimpse into our home and yard. The connection of space and people is pretty important for the vibe I was looking for.”

– Suzy Rounce, Creative Director & Owner, Switchback Creative

Small businesses can use the photos in a variety of ways

Many small businesses come to me looking for professional images that they can use on their website.

But there are plethora of ways that they can be used:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Websites
  • Presentations
  • Request for Proposals
  • Marketing materials
  • Conference Bios

The nice thing about Brand Storytelling photos is the photos have variety (location, clothing, etc.) so you don’t end up looking the same in all your photos!


“Thanks to your easy-going style and friendliness, we were both really relaxed so (the photos) feel like us. We have real smiles – not fake, pasted ones. Thank you for that!”

Suzy Rounce, Creative Director & Owner, Switchback Creative

Kate Daniel is Calgary, Alberta Brand Photographer serving creative and ambitious entrepreneurs.

Brand Storytelling photo sessions – Capturing the visual story of your heart-centred business.

Contact me to book a session or sign up for the newsletter for special offers & seasonal discounts.

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Brand Photos

I'm Kate, your new brand photographer friend.

You're the sage on the stage; I'm your photo guide on the side!

Together, we'll create authentic photos that connect & convert!

Serving ambitious entrepreneurs in Calgary, AB and worldwide.

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Calgary’s go-to brand photographer for creative & ambitious women entrepreneurs. Treaty 7, Alberta & worldwide. 

Kate Daniel Photography

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