
Branding photos for your business needs

why your small biz needs brand photos
Professional and colourful headshots

why visual artists need brand photos
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I'm KAte!

Calgary’s go-to brand photographer for creative & ambitious women entrepreneurs.

Capturing authentic website & social media photos in Alberta, Treaty 7 and beyond.


Ready to Reach Your Ideal Clients?

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Brand photos aren't just "pretty" pictures. Let's create images for you that convert!

I love doing branding photos because it’s not just about getting a great head shot, it’s about making photos that are a true reflection of your business, too.

I want the photos to really represent who you are, both as a person and an entrepreneur.

So, comments like this make it all worthwhile:

I recently hired Kate to take professional head shots to use for my business. I knew I didn’t want boring corporate photos. I wanted the photos to be personal and friendly. I expected the session to go like every other photo shoot – me standing awkwardly at the camera hoping that just one photo would work. Instead, the session was amazing. Kate made me feel so relaxed and comfortable. She really listened to what I was trying to accomplish. She captured it perfectly. I couldn’t be happier!


Curious what Danielle does? She’s a marriage coach! Here’s more:

I work closely with women to help them get clarity and take steps to bring about lasting change in their marriage. Together, we will travel down the path of transformation. We will discover your personal truth and use it to reconnect to your husband and live life fully.

I believe in your ability to transform your marriage. 

I believe that your life can be rich and full. 

I believe that you deserve all the beauty and love life has to offer. 

branding-photos-Calgary-Kate-Daniel-Photography-woman-entrepreneur-standingYou can learn more about Danielle and her services here: http://daniellenapoliocox.combranding-photos-Calgary-Kate-Daniel-Photography-woman-entrepreneur-against-brick-wall

Kate Daniel is a Calgary, Alberta based natural light, lifestyle photographer focusing on brandingfamily photos.

Simple, real, natural – your life, my lens.

Contact me to book a session or sign up for the newsletter for special offers! 

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Brand Photos

I'm Kate, your new brand photographer friend.

You're the sage on the stage; I'm your photo guide on the side!

Together, we'll create authentic photos that connect & convert!

Serving ambitious entrepreneurs in Calgary, AB and worldwide.

more about me

hey there!

Calgary’s go-to brand photographer for creative & ambitious women entrepreneurs. Treaty 7, Alberta & worldwide. 

Kate Daniel Photography

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