Family Photos

A little boy and his mom

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Professional and colourful headshots

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Calgary’s go-to brand photographer for creative & ambitious women entrepreneurs.

Capturing authentic website & social media photos in Alberta, Treaty 7 and beyond.


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Brand photos aren't just "pretty" pictures. Let's create images for you that convert!

A little boy and his first photo session. So sweet!

Don’t these photos make you think of this quote from the Peter Pan movie? Little boys should never be sent to bed, they always wake up a day older

I’ve been getting all teary-eyed as I sift through all the love that was captured at my Mom & Me photo event at cSPACE last year. There are so many great images and I’m sure the moms will treasure the photos for years to come. Personally, I know I never regret having photos taken of me and my daughter. 

I think for my next Mom & Me sessions I’m gonna have a camera rolling for all the Behind The Scenes shenanigans that goes on to make these little ones laugh.

I’m pretty sure that this session involved a rubber chicken, a maraca and a dad prancing and dancing around.

Hey – whatever works to make a little boy to laugh, right?!


A big heartfelt thanks to everyone that came out for Mom & Me photos this year!

Kate Daniel is a Calgary, Alberta based natural light, lifestyle photographer focusing on family, children and baby photos.

Simple, real, natural – your life, my lens.

Contact me to book a session or sign up for the newsletter for special offers! 

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Brand Photos

I'm Kate, your new brand photographer friend.

You're the sage on the stage; I'm your photo guide on the side!

Together, we'll create authentic photos that connect & convert!

Serving ambitious entrepreneurs in Calgary, AB and worldwide.

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Calgary’s go-to brand photographer for creative & ambitious women entrepreneurs. Treaty 7, Alberta & worldwide. 

Kate Daniel Photography

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