Family Photos

A mother and her girls – a Mom & Me Session

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Calgary’s go-to brand photographer for creative & ambitious women entrepreneurs.

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Brand photos aren't just "pretty" pictures. Let's create images for you that convert!

A mother and her two girls. Ah these girls! I can totally hear their giggles through these photos. Isn’t that funny how photos can do that?

I’m imagining a collective chorus of giggles running across the playgrounds.

Because of the 2020 pandemic, I didn’t get a chance to capture sweet moments like this as I did at last year’s Mom & Me sessions….but I’m sure they still happened at home!

“If love is as sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.” – Stevie Wonder⁠⠀


A heartfelt thanks to everyone that came out for Mom & Me photos this year at Cspace. Mother and child pics have a special place in my heart. Family photos are great, but it’s always nice to have photos of each parent with their children, too. If you’re like me, you never regret having photos done. We often don’t see the little changes before our eyes, but looking back on the images allows us to remember our kids when they were wee little ones.

Kate Daniel is a Calgary, Alberta based natural light, lifestyle photographer focusing on family, children and baby photos.

Simple, real, natural – your life, my lens.

Contact me to book a session or sign up for the newsletter for special offers! 

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Brand Photos

I'm Kate, your new brand photographer friend.

You're the sage on the stage; I'm your photo guide on the side!

Together, we'll create authentic photos that connect & convert!

Serving ambitious entrepreneurs in Calgary, AB and worldwide.

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Calgary’s go-to brand photographer for creative & ambitious women entrepreneurs. Treaty 7, Alberta & worldwide. 

Kate Daniel Photography

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