Welcome to my new site – and thanks for sticking around!
Now that I have a few posts under my belt, and I have my subscription service all sorted, I feel like I can finally say, “Welcome!”
If you’ve followed me for a while, you will have noticed that I used to house my site on Blogger. It didn’t feel quite right for some reason – never mind the fact that I didn’t own my own content – so I found my home here at WordPress. Eventually, I’ll probably move all my old posts over here…but for now they are splattered all over the blogosphere.
Anyway, I would oh so appreciate it if you entered your email into the “subscribe me” area at the right (on my main page)…it will help me with my tracking. You can actually have posts sent to your Twitter or Facebook if you prefer those over email. Did you hear that Google Reader is shutting down in a couple months? All the more reason to subscribe! I look forward to connecting with you.