
Professional pictures for your business

why your small biz needs brand photos
Professional and colourful headshots

why visual artists need brand photos
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I'm KAte!

Calgary’s go-to brand photographer for creative & ambitious women entrepreneurs.

Capturing authentic website & social media photos in Alberta, Treaty 7 and beyond.


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Brand photos aren't just "pretty" pictures. Let's create images for you that convert!

Professional pictures for your website are a must in today’s online world! And it’s great to have updated headshots.

“I needed professional pictures for my private practice and was referred to Kate. After a quick description of what I was looking for, she understood my vision and chose a convenient location. Our session was very warm, comfortable and felt natural. It really showed that she cared as she took the extra time choosing different backgrounds to get the pictures we wanted. After the photo shoot, Kate sent me various options to choose from and use. I am very pleased with the result.”


It always so nice to get feedback like this! And it’s always fun to do head shots because I get to know so many amazing women in different professions! Here’s a bit more about what Christine does as a counselling psychologist:

We all struggle with life’s challenges at times, whether it be a reoccurring difficulty, one we suddenly face and for which we were not prepared, or an overwhelming accumulation of stress. We sometimes need caring support and understanding to achieve insight and growth. It is my privilege to help and be part of your journey towards building the kind of healthy life and relationships you aspire to. As a counselling psychologist, I provide adult services to individuals from a wide range of backgrounds.
In therapy, I help clients develop new ways of responding to their obstacles to well-being, learn new skills, and discover how to use existing strengths in an effective manner. I strive to provide a structure in which each person feels safe, accepted, and supported.
I have experience with a broad range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, grief, eating behaviours and body image issues, trauma and stress management. I use a combination of therapeutic approaches in order to best meet each person’s needs. My services are offered in both English and French.

Kate Daniel is a top brand & lifestyle photographer in Calgary, AB. Serving ambitious and creative, women entrepreneurs in YYC, Central Alberta and beyond.

Together, we’ll create authentic & scroll-stopping website and social media photos so you can save time, grow your business & get back to living the life you love!

Let’s connect! Sign up for the NEWSLETTER or book a FREE Clarity Call to chat about your photo needs.

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Brand Photos

I'm Kate, your new brand photographer friend.

You're the sage on the stage; I'm your photo guide on the side!

Together, we'll create authentic photos that connect & convert!

Serving ambitious entrepreneurs in Calgary, AB and worldwide.

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Calgary’s go-to brand photographer for creative & ambitious women entrepreneurs. Treaty 7, Alberta & worldwide. 

Kate Daniel Photography

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